Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

Introducing New Belotero Balance

Did she or didn’t she? Keep them guessing with the NEW dermal filler that offers quick lasting volume naturally!

Alexander CBelotero Balanceovey, M.D. and East End Laser Care are excited to introduce Belotero Balance®, the new secret weapon in the fight against aging. Belotero is the newest dermal filler recently approved by the FDA. It is an excellent filler for fine lines and wrinkles such as upper lip lines and crow’s feet. Used extensively in Europe, Belotero has a proven track record of providing instant volume and smooth facial contours for a younger and more radiant appearance.

Belotero Balance dermal filler is made with Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in your body that is an important element in helping to support your skin’s structure. As we age, the production of natural dermal volumizers and moisturizers (including HA) diminish leaving behind fine lines and wrinkles. With Belotero, we can instantly replace the volume you’ve lost giving you back the smoother, wrinkle-free skin you’ve been missing.

One of the advantages of Belotero is its unique formulation which allows it to integrate seamlessly with your skin to provide subtle and even results without disrupting the natural contours of your face. Belotero can plump up your lips and smooth out laugh lines, upper lip lines, crow’s feet and marionette lines discreetly, without anyone knowing. All they’ll see is a naturally younger looking and beautiful you.

To learn more about Belotero or other cosmetic treatments, call Alexander J. Covey, MD and East End Laser Care at (631) 878-9200 or visit