Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

Revolutionary LaserTechnology for Precision Body Sculpting…Get the Body of Your Dreams!

SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM …Revolutionary Technology for Precision Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting, Body Shaping and Body Contouring all refer to one of today’s top cosmetic procedures.  It involves removing unwanted fat from body areas that have resisted even the strictest diet and most rigorous workouts.  Men and women come to me asking him to define and refine their figures by removing  unwelcome bulges, while sculpting stream lined figures that are healthier, smoother and more aesthetically pleasing. 

SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM  is the newest, most advanced body sculpting system. It replaces the original SmartLipo technology.  SmartLipo Triplex is less invasive and actually melts fat, stimulates skin tightening and encourages collagen renewal.  This laser system (Triplex ) employs three wave lengths of light and a tiny cannula the size of a small ballpoint pen tip.  These advances allow for precision fat removal and body sculpting/contouring in small, hard to get to places that could not be effectively treated with older methods.  Look at the tremendous benefits:

  •     Minimally invasive means less swelling, bruising and shorter downtimes
  •      Precise high definition body sculpting like waistlines/abs
  •     Fat is liquefied and removed resulting in lump free contouring
  •      Triplex laser stimulates skin tightening effect 
  •    Multiple, intelligent delivery systems ensure safest, maximum laser strength
  •      Treatments are done in office using local anesthesia

SmartLipo Triplex offers better results, more effective fat removal, tighter skin and amazing high definition body sculpting at the hands of a specially trained and experienced plastic surgeon.  See:

IS SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM BODY SHAPING RIGHT FOR YOU?  Men and women of all ages, stages and ethnicities are having their bodies defined and refined!  Treatments require that you be in good general health, have realistic expectations, be close to normal body weight (within 20 lbs or so), live an active, healthy lifestyle and have a strong desire to have body sculpting.  These areas are commonly treatedneck, jawline, inner arms, mens’ breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck.

Often, patients decide to have a combination of treatments to achieve optimal results.  I’ve had many years experience in guiding patients and tailoring a treatment plan that achieves their goals.  No “cookie cutter”plans here…every patient is a unique individual.

Treatments often used in combo with liposuction/lipolysis include Thermage CPT, Mesotherapy or Cellulaze etc.  During the consultation, your surgeon should be able to discern your real needs and recommend the treatment(s) that are right for you so that you can restore or create the well sculpted body of your dreams.  Yes, I do six packs for men using SmartLipo! 

BABY BOOMERS and today’s GEN X OR MILLENNIALS  line up for “in and out” anti aging cosmetic treatments.  Careers demand they be in good health and they must look good.  So they come to get Botox, Filler Facelifts, Chin Augmentations, Body Sculpting and much more because they see the amazing anti aging benefits, the career boost and because they want to look good!  

I have many tools in my chest to help you get the body you’ve always wanted!

Best to You and Yours,

Dr. Covey



CELLULAZE LASER to finally eliminate your cellulite!

Cellulite is relentless.  It shows up on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas.  Diet, rigorous exercise, weight training and high intensity exercises are great for weight loss, weight control, strength building and muscle tone but they do not eliminate cellulite.  Women with dreaded cellulite constantly seek ways to be rid of it.

CAUSES of the BULGES of Cellulite include poor circulation, connective tissue and fibrous bands that push against fat. Aging, hormones, genetics and weight fluctuations, a build up of toxins, and enlarged fat cells play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of the skin.  Cellulite attacks 85% of women over age 20. 

TWO TYPES of CELLULITE:  1) Primary cellulite is due to enlarged or swollen fat cells that bulge through the tight fibrous septa bands that connect to the skin.  This is the classic cellulite that most women complain about. It’s mostly occurs on the thighs, buttocks and saddlebags.   2) Secondary Cellulite is caused by loose skin that makes the cellulite visible. Sun damage, extreme weight loss and aging skin are the causes. This type is harder to treat due to skin laxity.

Weak muscles have poorly developed muscle fibers and can impact how skin lays.  The stronger and more toned your muscles are, the better your body is at burning off excess fat and increasing circulation which may help limit the look of circulation. So, yes exercise is important to minimize cellulite…but it’s not the ultimate solution.

LUMPY POCKETS, magic creams, lotions and potions, SPA Treatments…none of them make cellulite disappear. But the revolutionary Cellulaze Laser dramatically reduces cellulite in one treatment!

CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin!  You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.

·      Cellulaze is a simple, in office treatment with brief downtime

·      It melts excess fat under the skin

·      Removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin into a dimple

·      Cellulaze stimulates collagen production which thickens skin

·      Uses a very small cannula with Sidelight 3Dtm technology

·      The technology directs laser thermal energy into the treatment zone

·      Lumpy fat pockets are diminished, skin depressions released and skin elasticity and skin thickness improves

·      Some results are seen immediately with ongoing improvement

My patients love Cellulazetm Laser treatments because they get results! Cellulaze is another method of body sculpting and contouring.  Visit my website for more info:

TRIED ALL THE REST?  WHY NOT THE BEST… CELLULAZE LASER treatments to eliminate your cellulite!  Now is the time to start getting into shape for Spring events…graduations, weddings, family reunions and more. Let’s talk soon!

Best to you and yours,

Dr. Covey












Juvederm Voluma XC for youthful cheeks again…The choice of “ageless celebs”

Instant gratification is the anti aging war cry of today’s generations, both senior and everybody else!  In fact, the new beauty economics (tagged by the Millenials) includes cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health care routine, with the requirement that treatments be “in and out” with no downtime as much as possible. The bottom line is that men and women of all ages and stages in life are having “quick fix age defying, cosmetic treatments.

My constant goal is to help my patients achieve their individual goals to restore/maintain health and youthfulness. I offer the most advanced yet safest options available today. 

Juvederm® Voluma XC injectable filler is now FDA approved and I am proud to be among the first in my area to offer it.

JUVERDERM® VOLUMA XC…the next stage in advanced dermal fillers.  It is specifically formulated and approved for cheek augmentation for adults 21 and older.  Besides “instant gratification” it offers long lasting results that provide a more youthful appearance by reducing sunken, sagging, wrinkled skin through volume replacement.  With Juvederm Voluma XC you get immediate results… minus 10 years of facial aging.


·      Voluma XC is truly set apart from other dermal fillers.  Here’s what it offers:

·      Extra volume gel fills and gently lifts the cheeks

·      Nose and mouth lines and wrinkles are eliminated due to fuller midface contour (a mini lift!)

·      Results are instant with no downtime and long lasting youthful results

·      Skin looks and feels naturally smooth due to special formulation

·      Juvederm Voluma XC is safe and effective for all ethnicities

·      Lidocaine (part of the formulation) ensures comfortable injections

·      Two formula strengths: Xc and Ultra XC allows for versatilite treatments: mouth and nasolabial folds contouring (from volume replacement) and/or extra volume replacement for deeper wrinkles/folds using the Ultra XC formula

·      Treatment takes about 30 minutes and many patients return to normal activities

Men and women today are having injectable filler treatments.  They are starting younger (30’s) and maintaining regularly to keep looking good. Injectable fillers often stave off invasive procedures and keep you looking several years younger!  We’ve learned from the “Celebs” who start small treatments early and then maintain to continue looking ageless. Juvederm® Voluma XC is a top choice among “ageless celebrities.”

VALENTINE’S DAY and GORGEOUS, LIPS!  shutterstock_2966011

Act now if you want soft, supple, red hot lips by Valentine’s Day.  Lip Enhancement is a top treatment this time of year.  We can restore the sexy lips of your youth with injectables and a few habit changes. Website:

Aging lips lose collagen thus causing the lips to become thin, flat, loose their pucker ability and their beautiful curves.  Collagen is replaced using HA fillers (hyaluronic acid) injected into pre targeted areas around the mouth.  Results can be instant and long lasting.  Lip Enhancement using Juvederm, Perlane, Restylane etc. is a  “quick fix” with beautiful, youthful results.  Let’s talk now!

I’m excited about the wonderful results we’re getting with Juvederm® Voluma XC!  You will be too once you’ve tried it!

Next blog will cover Body sculpting and contouring to get back into shape or to create your ideal body shape.

Alexander Covey, M.D.