Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

Say Goodbye to Cellulite

Summer heat is here and that means we’re showing more skin. This month, I’ll be focusing on the laser treatments that can help smooth, lift, and contour your body to boost your confidence.

One of the most prevalent concerns for getting beach body ready is that “c” word… yes, cellulite.  It’s estimated that 85% of all women 20 years and older have cellulite. Diet and exercise can help reduce your weight, but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Fortunately, there finally is a solution: Cellulaze Laser! While other treatments temporarily treat the appearance of cellulite – Cellulaze Laser removes it! In only ONE Cellulaze Laser treatment, my patients have been very pleased when they see dramatic results of cellulite reduction and smoother skin on their abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms. The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser  is the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where is begins… in the subdermal layers of the skin!

What is cellulite?

We’ve all seen those unsightly dimples and depressions on the surface of the skin that usually appear in abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and sometimes arms. They are caused by several physiological changes as women age: 1. hardening of tissue underneath the skin 2. an increase in the quantity or size of fat cells pushing up through the tissue beneath the skin and 3. weight gain and aging that causes stretching of the thin connective tissue under the skin.

How does the Cellulaze Laser treatment work?

Cellulaze uses a multi dimensional approach to specifically target below the surface of the skin into the dermal layers where the root causes of the cellulite occur. The treatment can be performed under local anesthesia due to its minimally invasive nature. It will take one to two hours, depending on the size of the areas to be treated.  Afterwards there could be a mild ache, similar to what you’d feel after a good physical workout.

Here’s the process:

  • The Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin with a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen)
  • The cannula directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone using proprietary ThermaGuide and SmartSense intelligent energy delivery system to ensure safe, effective, and uniform laser controls
  • The laser diminishes the lumpy pockets of fat, releases the areas of skin depression and increases the elasticity and thickness of the skin

What results can you expect?

The revolutionary Cellulaze Laser is the most advanced laser treatment available. This treatment flattens and smoothes the skin’s surface because it increases thickness and elasticity from below. It is backed by many years of clinical research to give proven, longer-lasting results. Clinical studies have shown results can last for one year or longer. As a matter of fact, 93% of patients surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with their results at one year after their procedure, and all would recommend the Cellulaze cellulite laser treatment to a friend.

Visit to set an appointment to see how to enjoy a cellulite free rest of your summer.


Dr. Covey

Causes of lines, wrinkles and furrows…and How You Can Get Rid of Them…

Lines, wrinkles, furrows, folds and sagging skin all form for various reasons. I’m often asked what causes these unwelcome signs of aging, so I decided to write about it in this blog.

Deep lines or furrows are formed, over the years, by facial muscles in motion. These are called dynamic lines due to the muscle activity, and they occur mainly in the forehead, around the eyes (squint lines or Crow’s Feet) and above the upper lip from repeated lip pursing. Botox and Dysport are the top choices for temporarily correcting dynamic lines. These injectables work by inhibiting muscle activity to slow down line formation, smooth out existing lines and wrinkles and prevent future ones from being formed.

Static lines are those lines that are unchanged by muscle motion. They just stay the way they were formed. Eventually, dynamic lines become static also thus making them permanent.   Injectable fillers, such as Radiesse, Restylane, Juvederm or Belotero are great choices for eliminating static lines. Fillers plump up the treated areas and restore youthful contours for up to 2 years with our newer, advanced formulas and injection techniques.

Sags and Bags are different than lines and wrinkles even though they all occur with aging. Ptosis (sagging) is primarily linked to the aging process. As we age, there is a gradual reduction of subcutaneous fat cells. This is another form of volume loss that causes the skin to stretch and sag (ptosis) due to skin laxity. This process is clearly seen in the lower part of the aging face such as the jowls or nasolabial folds or saggy upper eyelids and under eye bags from too much fat. If minor preventive treatments are started early enough (20’s-30’s) much of this can be delayed, slowed down or prevented without surgery. Today’s injectable fillers are often called “miracle workers” for good reason.

It’s never too late to get started! Exilis Elite can tighten lax skin, melt stubborn fat, resculpt your face (and body) and restore youthful contours. Popular areas we treat include: face, jowls, neck, chest, back, love handles, bra fat, abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, knees and more.

Beach Time can be eye opening…many of my patients are coming in for cellulite treatments with our Cellulaze Laser. It is the first and only one that attacks cellulite where it starts…under the skin. This office treatment offers immediate, satisfying results.

My patients love Cellulazetm Laser treatments because they get results! Visit my website for more info on Cellulaze and other age defying treatments I offer.

At East End Laser Care, each patient helps design his or her own personalized treatment plan. This assures you get the results you desire and deserve. Let’s talk soon.



Dr. Covey




Lasers Reverse Aging…and much more

Laser treatments are performed hundreds of times a day around the world, to treat all kinds of problems ranging from skin pigmentation, scars, acne and acne scars, sun spots,wrinkles and much more. I have many lasers in my offices and am able to offer patients laser options to treat just about every cosmetic problem.

My last 3 blogs have been about the amazing laser treatments we can offer today to reverse aging and/or correct problems such as those mentioned above. In review, the bullet points highlight some of the many uses for lasers:

  • Reverse the signs of aging
  • Reduce deep lines and scars
  • Resurface the skin
  • Tighten “lax” skin
  • Reduce unwanted hair
  • Reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation
  • Correct textural abnormalities, sun damage and more…

A LASER IS light amplification by simulated emission of radiation using a crystal to produce a targeted beam of light. One type of laser does not work for every problem. There are many types and strengths of lasers being employed today to perform both “ablative” and “non ablative” treatments. See: for complete information on lasers I use.

SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXis the newest, most advanced system that replaces the original SmartLipo technology. It is less invasive and actually melts fat, stimulates skin tightening and re-sculpts facial and body contours with safe, fast, comfortable treatments. This amazing technology enables me to achieve more precise results in smaller, hard to get to places.

AREAS PATIENTS GET TREATED: neck, jawline, inner arms, men’s breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck. See my website for more info on SmartLipo Triplex:

CELLULITE is RELENTLESS! You can see it on your thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas.

CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin. You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.

I’ve reviewed just a couple of the many lasers I offer my patients, but that’s it for this blog. My patients are waiting for their laser treatments.


Dr. Covey



CELLULAZE LASER to finally eliminate your cellulite!

Cellulite is relentless.  It shows up on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas.  Diet, rigorous exercise, weight training and high intensity exercises are great for weight loss, weight control, strength building and muscle tone but they do not eliminate cellulite.  Women with dreaded cellulite constantly seek ways to be rid of it.

CAUSES of the BULGES of Cellulite include poor circulation, connective tissue and fibrous bands that push against fat. Aging, hormones, genetics and weight fluctuations, a build up of toxins, and enlarged fat cells play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of the skin.  Cellulite attacks 85% of women over age 20. 

TWO TYPES of CELLULITE:  1) Primary cellulite is due to enlarged or swollen fat cells that bulge through the tight fibrous septa bands that connect to the skin.  This is the classic cellulite that most women complain about. It’s mostly occurs on the thighs, buttocks and saddlebags.   2) Secondary Cellulite is caused by loose skin that makes the cellulite visible. Sun damage, extreme weight loss and aging skin are the causes. This type is harder to treat due to skin laxity.

Weak muscles have poorly developed muscle fibers and can impact how skin lays.  The stronger and more toned your muscles are, the better your body is at burning off excess fat and increasing circulation which may help limit the look of circulation. So, yes exercise is important to minimize cellulite…but it’s not the ultimate solution.

LUMPY POCKETS, magic creams, lotions and potions, SPA Treatments…none of them make cellulite disappear. But the revolutionary Cellulaze Laser dramatically reduces cellulite in one treatment!

CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin!  You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.

·      Cellulaze is a simple, in office treatment with brief downtime

·      It melts excess fat under the skin

·      Removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin into a dimple

·      Cellulaze stimulates collagen production which thickens skin

·      Uses a very small cannula with Sidelight 3Dtm technology

·      The technology directs laser thermal energy into the treatment zone

·      Lumpy fat pockets are diminished, skin depressions released and skin elasticity and skin thickness improves

·      Some results are seen immediately with ongoing improvement

My patients love Cellulazetm Laser treatments because they get results! Cellulaze is another method of body sculpting and contouring.  Visit my website for more info:

TRIED ALL THE REST?  WHY NOT THE BEST… CELLULAZE LASER treatments to eliminate your cellulite!  Now is the time to start getting into shape for Spring events…graduations, weddings, family reunions and more. Let’s talk soon!

Best to you and yours,

Dr. Covey












Ring in the New Year with a New You

Transform your appearance with revolutionary face and body treatments!

Who doesn’t dream of a slimmer, younger looking face and body? Imagine magically transforming sagging skin into a smooth, wrinkle free look and removing fat and cellulite. Well you can stop imagining because we have three breakthrough treatments that can help you look your best in the New Year.

Smartlipo TriPlexNo matter how strict your diet and exercise regimen is, there are usually pockets of fat that just won’t budge. Now, with Smartlipo TriPlex, a minimally invasive lipolysis treatment for high-definition body sculpting, we can easily and effectively eliminate stubborn areas of fat (including your love handles, muffin tops and banana rolls) and tighten your skin to help you achieve a beautiful, natural shape.

CellulazeTo remove cellulite for smooth healthy looking skin we recommend the newest breakthrough treatment Cellulaze. With Cellulaze, we can finally reduce cellulite, in just ONE treatment, and the dramatic results are clinically proven to last! Cellulaze is the only laser with the ability to attack the very structure of cellulite under the skin with little to no downtime. Cellulaze is a simple procedure that can be performed right in our office. Healing is quick so you can usually go back to work and other regular activities within a day or two following your treatment.  Some results are immediate and get even better over the next few months.

ExilisFor non-surgical skin tightening and body shaping we recommend new Exilis, the most exciting non-invasive technology available to redefine your face and body, with no anesthesia and no downtime. Clinically tested and FDA approved, Exilis uses the most advanced radio frequency energy to melt fat, tighten loose skin and resculpt facial and body contours during fast and comfortable treatments.

To find out how these treatments can help you, today to schedule a New Year’s consultation. To see more pictures visit us online at

For more information about these and other cosmetic treatments options, contact Alexander Covey, M.D. and East End Laser Care at (631) 878-9200 or visit their website at Dr. Covey would enjoy discussing your cosmetic concerns at a complimentary and confidential consultation.

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The Wait is Over – Cellulaze is Here!

Stubborn cellulite is no match for this amazing laser treatment!

Finally, we can dramatically reduce cellulite with the new revolutionary Cellulaze Laser, the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where it begins – under the skin!  Dr. Covey is proud to be one of the first physicians to offer you this amazing breakthrough FDA-approved treatment for the removal of cellulite. With just ONE treatment, the Cellulaze Laser can give you smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms –anywhere cellulite occurs.

Many of us believe the common myths surrounding cellulite such as “only fat people get cellulite” or “this magic cream can remove cellulite” or even “eat this combination of foods and cellulite will miraculously disappear.” None of these are true!

Cellulite is a degenerative condition that no one can control. Aging, hormones, genetics, and weight fluctuations all play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of your skin. Affecting over 85% of women over the age of 20, cellulite was, until now, one of the toughest conditions to treat in the long-term.

Sure, diet and exercise can help reduce your weight but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Other spa-like treatments treat the appearance of cellulite from the outside – but the results are temporary at best and only last as long as you continuously repeat the treatments. The incredible new Cellulaze laser actually REMOVES cellulite in ONE treatment and with little to no downtime!

Unlike other treatments, Cellulaze treats all three distinct causes that create that unappealing “orange peel” look. Using revolutionary laser technology, Cellulaze melts the excess fat caught under the skin, strategically removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin down into a dimple and stimulates collagen production which thickens the skin. Your overall result is smooth beautiful skin.

Cellulaze Results

Here’s how it works:  Using a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen), the Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin and the SideLight 3D™ technology directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone. Lumpy pockets of fat are diminished, skin depressions are released and the elasticity and thickness of your skin improves. With such a small cannula, Cellulaze is a simple procedure that can be performed right in our office. Healing is quick so you can usually go back to work and other regular activities within a day or two following your treatment.  Some results are immediate and get even better over the next few months.

Best of all, after your Cellulaze treatment, you’ll no longer feel the need to pull at the bottom of your shorts and skirts or wear long cover-ups in the hot summer weather. You’ll want to show off those smoother legs!

Why wait? Call us today at (631) 878-9200 to schedule your free consultation to find out more. (Visit our website at to see before and after pictures.)