Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

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The Wait is Over – Cellulaze is Here!

Stubborn cellulite is no match for this amazing laser treatment!

Finally, we can dramatically reduce cellulite with the new revolutionary Cellulaze Laser, the world’s first minimally invasive approach to attacking cellulite where it begins – under the skin!  Dr. Covey is proud to be one of the first physicians to offer you this amazing breakthrough FDA-approved treatment for the removal of cellulite. With just ONE treatment, the Cellulaze Laser can give you smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms –anywhere cellulite occurs.

Many of us believe the common myths surrounding cellulite such as “only fat people get cellulite” or “this magic cream can remove cellulite” or even “eat this combination of foods and cellulite will miraculously disappear.” None of these are true!

Cellulite is a degenerative condition that no one can control. Aging, hormones, genetics, and weight fluctuations all play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of your skin. Affecting over 85% of women over the age of 20, cellulite was, until now, one of the toughest conditions to treat in the long-term.

Sure, diet and exercise can help reduce your weight but neither can help you get rid of cellulite. Other spa-like treatments treat the appearance of cellulite from the outside – but the results are temporary at best and only last as long as you continuously repeat the treatments. The incredible new Cellulaze laser actually REMOVES cellulite in ONE treatment and with little to no downtime!

Unlike other treatments, Cellulaze treats all three distinct causes that create that unappealing “orange peel” look. Using revolutionary laser technology, Cellulaze melts the excess fat caught under the skin, strategically removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin down into a dimple and stimulates collagen production which thickens the skin. Your overall result is smooth beautiful skin.

Cellulaze Results

Here’s how it works:  Using a very small cannula (a narrow tube about the size of the tip of a pen), the Cellulaze laser is inserted under the skin and the SideLight 3D™ technology directs a controlled laser thermal energy to the treatment zone. Lumpy pockets of fat are diminished, skin depressions are released and the elasticity and thickness of your skin improves. With such a small cannula, Cellulaze is a simple procedure that can be performed right in our office. Healing is quick so you can usually go back to work and other regular activities within a day or two following your treatment.  Some results are immediate and get even better over the next few months.

Best of all, after your Cellulaze treatment, you’ll no longer feel the need to pull at the bottom of your shorts and skirts or wear long cover-ups in the hot summer weather. You’ll want to show off those smoother legs!

Why wait? Call us today at (631) 878-9200 to schedule your free consultation to find out more. (Visit our website at to see before and after pictures.)