Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

All Around Body & Face Firm Up

With New Year resolutions to trim down and firm up for 2015, Exilis ELITE is the perfect addition to your rejuvenation regimen. Exilis ELITE is the best solution for someone who wants to tighten the skin of the face and body, but with a non surgical treatment that is safe, effective and relatively quick.

The Latest Technology

Exilis ELITE is a treatment designed to focus varying depths of precise heat, cooling, and temperature monitoring, which means that it firms up the skin without any pain or downtime. This updated device is twice as powerful and effective as the original Exilis treatment system.

Versatile Treatment for Natural Results

Exilis ELITE can help men and women of all ethnic groups. Exilis ELITE is perfect for addressing specific, areas of concern to simultaneously melt fat and firm the skin. Results are gradual over multiple sessions, so they look natural, but still provide faster gratification than the months or possibly years of working out.

Exilis ELITE for the Body

Do you have a bulge that just won’t budge? Exilis ELITE can flatten and firm those tough to reach areas of the body.


Whether it’s from enjoying the holiday food assortment too much or that belly pooch that just won’t go away after having children, the abdomen is one of the most common areas for effective Exilis ELITE treatments.


Hanging, flabby arms are an unpleasant effect of weight gain and loss, and aging. Now you can you can reduce the circumference of your arms with Exilis ELITE.

Legs & Ankles

Some areas of the legs are just not an ideal shape, but not worth major surgery. Exilis ELITE can help with thick ankles, known as “cankles” and the fat above the knees.


Firm up flabby thighs and “saddle bags” for a more contoured leg.


There are areas of the torso that can benefit from Exilis ELITE. It can help melt away love handles, back or bra fat, and muffin top. The torso area including male breasts and love handles or obliques are the most popular areas to treat for men.

Exilis ELITE for the Face

Firming up loose skin on the face can take years off your appearance. Exilis ELITE can address many of the areas of the face for a firmer, lifted, youthful appearance.


Around the eyes, Exilis ELITE can smooth out puffiness and tighten the skin for a more alert and rested look.

Lower Face

Gravity brings down the loose skin on the face to affect the mouth, chin, jowls or jaw line, and neck. Exilis ELITE can firm and lift the moderate effects of drooping skin for a rejuvenated face, neck and décolletage.

Exilis ELITE is the most effective non surgical solution for areas of fat on the body and loose skin on the face. Come in for a consultation to see how Exilis ELITE can help you achieve a smoother, tighter body and face for 2015.


Dr. Alexander Covey

EXILIS ELITE Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for a revolutionary treatment to restore your youthfulness, melt fat and cellulite at the same time, then EXILIS ELITE could be your answer. EXILIS ELITE is FDA approved to be used for reducing wrinkles and firming up loose skin, and an added benefit of the technology is that it melts fat and stimulates collagen production, too. Read more to answer some of the most frequently asked questions I hear about EXILIS ELITE.

How does EXILIS ELITE work?

EXILIS ELITE uses thermal energy that is generated by the most advanced monopolar radio frequency. The dual control handpiece has both DTC (Dermal Temperature Control) and EFC (Energy Flow Control) to protect the skin from heat that could harm it, while simultaneously generating consistent energy for dependable results.

The handpiece generates heat within the treatment area to cause the targeted fat cells to break down. This process of reducing fatty deposits also causes the sub dermal collagen to remodel and tighten, resulting in firmer skin.

Will EXILIS ELITE treat all fat?   

EXILIS ELITE radio frequency depth penetration addresses the subcutaneous fat. This is superficially located just below the skin and above the muscle.

What parts of the body can be treated with EXILIS ELITE?

The built in cooling system makes EXILIS ELITE safe for reducing loose skin and excess fat anywhere on the body. This includes the face, neck, jowels, décolletage, arms, back or bra fat, abdomen, love handles, thighs, knees, etc.

When will I see results?

You may see immediate results, but maximum results are experienced incrementally over 3 to 6 months after the last treatment. EXILIS ELITE treatments are usually done 1 to 2 weeks apart with visible fat reduction ranging from 1 to 6 inches of volume loss after 4 treatment sessions.

How long are treatments?

Each treatment, depending on the area of the body, takes about 30 to 45 minutes, but we ask you to allow an hour. This non invasive procedure can be accomplished on your lunch break from work. There is no downtime and normal activity can resume immediately. For treatments to areas of the face, there may be some mild redness and mild swelling, but this can easily be covered with mineral makeup.

What does the procedure feel like?

EXILIS ELITE is a safe and comfortable procedure, requiring no numbing cream or anesthesia. The treatments are comfortable and pain free by targeting the proper amount of energy while simultaneously heating and cooling the skin.

I hope that I’ve been able to answer your top questions so that you can see how revolutionary the EXILIS ELITE treatment is for firming skin, reducing cellulite and melting fat. Let’s talk about what EXILIS ELITE can do for you.


Dr. Alexander Covey

Melt Fat and Tighten Skin Without Surgery

Roll out the red carpet of non-invasive anti aging procedures because EXILIS ELITE is coming through! We are excited to offer you a very effective, pain free solution to sagging skin and stubborn fat. EXILIS ELITE therapy is the latest technology when it comes to aesthetic procedures for body contouring and skin tightening.

Lasers are very versatile and typically a great way to melt fat and tighten skin without surgery, but even they have a minor discomfort. I am pleased to offer another option, EXILIS ELITE. EXILIS ELITE is a clinically proven treatment to eliminate fat deposits and firm up the skin with absolutely no discomfort or downtime.


EXILIS ELITE uses the most advanced and sophisticated thermal energy available to give patients real results without surgery or downtime. Its clinically proven and FDA approved technology uses the most advanced monopolar radio frequency energy. This energy is directed through a dual function handpiece to target specific treatment areas. EXILIS ELITE provides maximum power with total control. By volumetrically heating the area, it causes the subdermal collagen support tissues under the skin to remodel and tighten and the fat to melt. Firmer and flatter skin without any pain or discomfort is the result.


With just the right amount of thermal energy, EXILIS ELITE gently, yet effectively contours the face and body. It can tighten, firm up, and tone sagging or loose skin on pretty much any area of the face or body. Stubborn fatty deposits melt away while the skin is tightened so there isn’t any saggy skin left once the fat is gone. All of this with no numbing or anesthesia, no incision, and no downtime.

EXILIS ELITE can tighten and tone these areas:

  • face
  • jowls
  • neck
  • chest
  • back
  • “love handles”
  • “bra fat”
  • abdomen
  • thighs
  • hips and buttocks
  • knees

EXILIS ELITE is ideal for people who would like their weight loss and toning to look like a natural progression. It usually takes a couple of treatments to achieve the desired end results. This gradual melting of fat and tightening of the skin along the way looks more natural because it is not a dramatic overnight change.

EXILIS ELITE Benefits in a Nutshell

  1. FDA approved treatment that has been scientifically proven and clinically tested world wide
  2. fast, safe and effective
  3. treats all areas of the face and body
  4. results are gradual, lasting and measureable
  5. precise and targeted to correct deep skin problems as well as problems located at the surface of the skin
  6. offers circumferential reduction
  7. effectively treats cellulite
  8. non-invasive
  9. no downtime
  10. comfortable treatment without pain
  11. no anesthesia necessary

I hope this introduction to EXILIS piqued your interest because in the following weeks we’ll discuss this procedure more completely. In the meantime, visit to learn more or schedule a consultation to see how EXILIS ELITE can help you achieve a younger, healthier body in 2015.


Dr. Covey

Body Sculpting for the Fall Holiday Season

The stores are full of fall décor, the temperature is cooling down, parties are beginning to get put on the calendar… we are coming into the fall holiday season. With all the family, social, and charitable events that will be filling up your days and nights, you’ll want to look and feel your best. Now is an ideal time to start your body’s holiday rejuvenation plan.

It’s always better to be proactive rather than to procrastinate, especially when it comes to your appearance. Take advantage of the lull in the social calendar now, rather than remembering you have a party the upcoming Friday and try to squeeze in a quick treatment on the Wednesday before. With the convenience of our “in and out” procedures, you’ll be on your way to a more youthful appearance yet won’t have to sacrifice time away from the social scene. By getting a head start now, you’ll have the full anti aging benefits of the treatments by the time the season is in full swing.

Here are some of the top treatments for restoring and contouring your body coming in to the fall season:

  1. As the weather cools down, body sculpting with SmartLipo TriPlex can help you look your best in your holiday attire. It will conveniently melt away stubborn fat bulges on the abdomen, hips, and thighs with minimal down time compared to traditional liposuction methods. Laser liposuction can help to shape the body to an aesthetic proportion so that your tummy is flatter, hips and buttocks are the right kind of curvy, and thighs are slimmer. This can help get you on the right track, which you can then maintain with a healthy diet and exercise routine. Also, amazingly, SmartLipo TriPlex lasers interact with collagen to help tighten and shrink the skin so it can even be used under the chin and upper arms.
  2. Cellulite Treatments with the Cellulaze Laser will smooth out the skin on your legs so you can confidently wear those above the knee dresses at cocktail parties. The Cellulaze Laser diminishes lumpy fat pockets while increasing the elasticity of skin with such effectiveness that over 93% of people surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with the results.
  3. EXILIS fights both cellulite and fat using the most advanced radio frequency energy. It liquefies fat cells and tightens skin to reduce unwanted inches while lifting loose skin anywhere on your body. Some of the most popular areas are the Face, Jowls, Neck, Chest, Back, Love Handles, Bra Fat, Abdomen, Thighs, Hips, Buttocks and Knees.


Goals for Your New Look

Our goal for your body reshaping is to achieve harmony and balance for the entire body. We create a slimmer yet natural looking redefined body. What are your goals?

  • Do you want to tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss or after childbirth?
  • Is feeling more confident in the stylish clothes of the season important to you?
  • How about feeling lighter, healthier, and more energetic to take on a holiday season with confidence?

Let’s get ready now for the coming holiday season by talking about your goals for your body transformation. And check out my website for more ideas on body contouring.


Dr. Alexander Covey

Beach Body Sculpting without Major Surgery

Men and women both can have body fat issues, but typically men accumulate extra fat on their stomach and around the waist. For women, fat tends to accumulate on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. Being overweight changes the way your body functions, which can create a vicious cycle that is hard to break, even with diet and exercise. Carrying extra pounds can also be bad for your overall health because it causes inflammation, slows circulation, and weakens your immune system.

Does your body have any stubborn fat bulges that just won’t go away? If you have areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, and you thought your only option was major surgery, I hope you’ll be relieved to know, there is a less invasive solution… SmartLipo TriPlex!  SmartLipo TriPlex is the safest, most advanced body sculpting and fat removing laser liposuction technique available!

The three wave lengths of laser light in SmartLipo TriPlex result in better fat removal and tighter skin, than previous laser treatment methods. The lasers virtually melt away the fat cells, then some are suctioned away and some of it is removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system. This laser method has a recovery time that is quicker than with traditional liposuction, and it has been approved as safe by the FDA for use in the United States since 2006.

Even if you haven’t had success with traditional liposuction or you want to remove fat from difficult areas of the body, you should give SmartLipo TriPlex a chance. Due to the exact nature of lasers, SmartLipo TriPlex can treat localized pockets of fat in targeted areas without the risk of lumpy after effects. The laser energy also interacts with collagen in the skin which later causes the skin to tighten and shrink.

SmartLipo TriPlex offers exceptionally high precision contouring for fine tuning your beach body. It offers precise body sculpting that is perfect for:

  • waistlines
  • abdomen
  • inner or outer thighs
  • hips
  • upper arms
  • buttocks
  • under the chin

Ideal candidates are in good health and not looking for extreme body changes.   SmartLipo TriPlex is excellent for removing fat from those areas where the bulge or pooch just won’t go away. You don’t have to worry if a long down time or recovery time isn’t an option. Since SmartLipo TriPlex is a minimally invasive procedure, it can be performed under local anesthesia. Our patients typically return to normal activities within 24 hours. All that is needed is an oral pain medication to take the edge off any mild soreness or ache.

So are you ready to say goodbye to the ‘muffin top’ or the ‘spare tire’, and say hello to the ‘thigh gap’  or flat abs of your dreams? With SmartLipo TriPlex the treated areas will appear tighter, smoother, and smaller soon after your procedure.  The skin and surrounding area will smooth out to look like a natural body contour.

Visit to learn how we can help you melt away your stubborn fat and get that beach body without major surgery.


Dr. Covey


I’ve written a few blogs on “quick fixes” ranging from Injectable FaceLifts to Cellulite removal employing Cellulaze technology, and Body Contouring using SmartLipo TriPlex laser treatments because they do create fast, visible results.

Here’s a quick overview on lines, wrinkles and folds and how to get rid of them and lift sagging skin.

  • Crow’s feet are fine lines that start at the outer corners of the eyes and extend out. They are caused by muscle activity. We correct them with Botox or Dysport (neurotoxins).
  • DROOPY BROWS are caused by excessive brow movement and can cause the loss of the natural eyebrow arch. This often causes a heavy appearance. BOTOX or DYSPORT can help lift the eyebrow to its natural position.
  • TEAR TROUGHS/HOLLOWSstart below the bridge of the nose and lower eyelid, extending downward toward the cheek.RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM or BELOTERO safely treat these areas.
  • CHEEKS, TEMPLES and JAWLINESAs fat diminishes with aging, these areas commonly sag and appear shallow. I use New Voluma XC, Radiesse, Perlane, Restylane or Juvederm Ultra Plus to restore youthfulness.
  • NASOLABIAL FOLDSare those lines extending downward from the bottom of the nose to the outer corners of the lips and are caused by fat that has shifted. Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, Radiesse or Belotero easily correct those unwelcome folds!
  • LIPSOver time your lips can become thin, flat and lose their youthful shape and fullness. Great lip plumpers include: Juvederm, Restylane andPerlane.

SOCIAL MEDIA and COSMETIC PROCEDURES…Injectable fillers and Body Sculpting and cellulite removal are three of the top requested anti aging procedures being done today because they work quickly with minimal downtime. Social Media is about being seen and this trend has created a major surge in people of all ages demanding “quick fixes” to look younger and healthier. Injectables and laser treatments can offer that desirable instant youthfulness.

BODY SCULPTING for the BEACH is in high demand because precision fat removal and sculpting is so much quicker and easier than with older technology and techniques. I use the SmartLipo TriPlex system to remove fat instantly and define waistlines and abs with lump free contouring. See the benefits as follows:

  • Minimally invasive treatments mean less swelling, less bruising and shorter downtimes
  • Enables precise high definition body sculpting around waistlines/abs
  • Fat is liquefied and removed resulting in lump free contouring
  • TriPlex laser stimulates skin tightening effect
  • Multiple, intelligent delivery systems ensure safest, maximum laser strength
  • Treatments are done in office using local anesthesia
  • Results are better, more effective than with older technology
  • Fat removal, tighter skin and amazing high definition body sculpting. See:


It shows up on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas. Diet, rigorous exercise, weight training and high intensity exercises are great for weight loss, weight control, strength building and muscle tone but they do not eliminate cellulite. Women with dreaded cellulite constantly seek ways to be rid of it. CELLULAZE LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin. See my website for complete info:

These are three top “quick fixes” you can do today to be ready for all the summer events. Want to look younger, healthier and fabulous? Let’s talk now.


Dr. Covey


Quick Fixes for Looking Good on Social Media

LOOKING GOOD on SOCIAL MEDIA … It’s a fact that today’s Social Media such as Facebook and Pinterest, Youtube and LinkedIn, for example, are impacting the steady rise in cosmetic procedures. Seeing and being seen defines social media. Recent surveys done by the “Today Show” revealed that of the 7,000 American moms who were polled, 42% suffer from “Pinterest stress, and they worry about not being creative enough when compared to other moms. A survey of 752 plastic surgeons revealed a 315% increase in plastic and cosmetic surgery requests from people wanting to look better on Facebook. Botox was the top choice for those wanting “quick fixes” along with Injectable FaceLifts and Surgical FaceLifts, BrowLifts, Injectable Cheek Augmentation etc. It’s crystal clear that today’s Social Media are making people conscious of their aging and creating a desire to do something about it…to turn back the clock a few years.

CELEBRITIES INFLUENCE a STEADY RISE in surgical and non surgical cosmetic procedures. Body Refinement and always looking good is critical to many of them for personal and career reasons. We learned from the “Celebs” how to defy aging by employing anti aging treatments. The key is to start early (at the first sign of tiny facial lines, etc.) and to always maintain, in order to always look about 10 years younger. A few of today’s celebrities have heavily influenced how people want to look.

EXECUTIVES, MEN and WOMEN’S CAREERS and COSMETIC ANTI AGING PROCEDURES…The very visual world in which we live today affects even our careers. A Manhattan colleague recently told me that he sees a lot of men and women executives and high profile individuals who are in the public eye constantly. Their pictures are taken constantly…and they are expected to look good! YouTube, Facebook, HD Television and public appearances demand they look their absolute best. These “celebs” focus on the face and on Body Sculpting because they get paid to look great! This results in feeling great as well!

CELEBS CHOICES influence us today…We learned a couple decades ago to defy aging as they do.

A few of today’s celebrities have heavily influenced how people want to look.

  • Kate Middleton’s nose is the nose of choice among the World’s female population (many wish they also had her face!)
  • Cheryl Cole’s dimples…well those are hard to copy
  • Robert Pattison’s jaw is the envy of scores of men
  • Brit Jude Law has the most requested nose for men
  • First Lady Michelle Obama has the most admired arms causing a spike in requests for Upper Arm Lifts
  • And many more…

TODAY’S ECONOMY…SCULPTED BODIES and the LIPSTICK EFFECT??? The economy has been less than great the last few years; however, people still come for cosmetic procedures. Analysts call it “a collective vanity” among today’s society…but the Millennials and Gen Xer’s call it good health! They budget for it as part of their regular health regimen. Their top choices include: Injectable FaceLifts, Cheek Augmentations, Botox BrowLifts, Cellulaze Cellulite treatments, SmartLipo TriPlex fat removal and Body Sculpting and much more. The Lipstick effect involves opting for the Injection Effect. These minor treatments defy aging and still allow us to “indulge.”

Been thinking about those unwelcome facial lines, folds, wrinkles, sagging skin, droopy eyelids…or body flab that’s got to go? Let’s talk and design your own personal treatment plan.



Dr. Covey














Lasers Reverse Aging…and much more

Laser treatments are performed hundreds of times a day around the world, to treat all kinds of problems ranging from skin pigmentation, scars, acne and acne scars, sun spots,wrinkles and much more. I have many lasers in my offices and am able to offer patients laser options to treat just about every cosmetic problem.

My last 3 blogs have been about the amazing laser treatments we can offer today to reverse aging and/or correct problems such as those mentioned above. In review, the bullet points highlight some of the many uses for lasers:

  • Reverse the signs of aging
  • Reduce deep lines and scars
  • Resurface the skin
  • Tighten “lax” skin
  • Reduce unwanted hair
  • Reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation
  • Correct textural abnormalities, sun damage and more…

A LASER IS light amplification by simulated emission of radiation using a crystal to produce a targeted beam of light. One type of laser does not work for every problem. There are many types and strengths of lasers being employed today to perform both “ablative” and “non ablative” treatments. See: for complete information on lasers I use.

SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXis the newest, most advanced system that replaces the original SmartLipo technology. It is less invasive and actually melts fat, stimulates skin tightening and re-sculpts facial and body contours with safe, fast, comfortable treatments. This amazing technology enables me to achieve more precise results in smaller, hard to get to places.

AREAS PATIENTS GET TREATED: neck, jawline, inner arms, men’s breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck. See my website for more info on SmartLipo Triplex:

CELLULITE is RELENTLESS! You can see it on your thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas.

CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin. You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.

I’ve reviewed just a couple of the many lasers I offer my patients, but that’s it for this blog. My patients are waiting for their laser treatments.


Dr. Covey



For the Body of your Dreams…. Get “Body Sculpted”

My last couple blogs focused on Body Reshaping and an overview of a few of the amazing tools I employ to achieve my patients’ goals.  Body Sculpting, Refining, Reshaping and Body Contouring (interchangeable terms) is so popular among Baby Boomers, GenX and the Millennials today…thus the reason for my stayed focus on it.  Body Reshaping is safe and effective…is used for various body areas…and it is here to stay.

BodyChanging the size, profile or parameters of the anatomy and refining those areas is what Body Sculpting is all about. There are various methods used for achieving the “perfect body” or “body of your dreams.”




  • To tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss
  • Restore a PrePregnancy Body after Childbirth
  • Tighten up loose, saggy skin and remove excess fat pockets
  • Eliminate unwelcome Cellulite and “dimples” it causes
  • Be able to wear stylish clothing of your choice
  • Sculpt a healthy, trim, firm and contoured body
  • Achieve the “refined” body they’ve always wanted
  • Restore self confidence and boost self esteem
  • Look as fabulous and healthy as you feel!

WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO HAVE BODY SCULPTING DONE?  This is the most frequent questions I get from patients.  MY ANSWER:

This answer will vary with each patient since no two people are the same.  But, you should be in good general health, and at a stable weight…for at least three months before starting on your personalized treatment program.  Continuing a healthy, active lifestyle and weight management is critical to enjoying your long term results.

THE GOAL OF ALL BODY SCULPTING/CONTOURING is to achieve balance and harmony for the entire body.  Thus, treating the body “as a whole” and never as isolated parts.

Since, patients often choose multiple body areas for refining, a combination of treatments may be required to accomplish the desired goals.


SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM  for Body Sculpting. .  It involves removing unwanted fat from body areas that have resisted even the strictest diet and most rigorous workouts. SmartLipo accomplishes more than liposuction with less invasiveness and amazing precision!

Other treatments are often used in combo with liposuction/lipolysis for the neck, jawline, inner arms, men’s breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck, such as skin tightening using Exilis, Mesotherapy or Cellulaze etc. See my website for more info on these amazing options:

EXILIS offers the newest advances in non surgical skin tightening to reduce unwanted inches and to lift and contour sagging skin anywhere on your body!  CELLULAZE LASER treatments attack cellulite where it originates…under the skin. One treatment can result in smoother skin on your abs, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs.

Every generation today is concerned with anti aging!  So, treatments are geared to turning back the clock…today’s Filler FaceLifts take years off an aging face by restoring youthfulness.  New Voluma, Botox, Juvederm, Belotero, Dysport, Perlane, Radiesse and Restylane injectables eliminate and smooth out lines and wrinkles. Laser treatments remove age/sun spots, acne and more, and are part of safe, effective treatments patients choose daily to slow down the signs of aging.

Call soon for your consultation and let’s get started on your Body Refining and age defying program!

Helping You Be Your Very Best,

Dr. Covey

Eliminate Cellulite, Get Sculpted and Get Better Buttocks!

NIP CELLULITE in the BUTTOCKS! !  Your buttocks are one of the favorite places for cellulite to call home.  I’m sure you know how stubborn Cellulite can be, regardless of a clean diet and rigorous workouts.  Women, in particular, are plagued by cellulite taking up residence in various areas of the body.  The buttocks are one of those places. CELLULAZE is a powerful laser treatment that reduces cellulite by attacking it under the skin in the structural tissues responsible for making cellulite.  CELLULAZE employs energy to heat up and cut the fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause the ugly dimpling.  One treatment offers immediate improvement with continued improvement for months and long term results.

WOMEN TODAY WANT BETTER BUTTOCKS!   Women who are into Body Sculpting and Refinement want their buttock area to look its absolute best. The concern is with shape, size and positioning.  They are smart and understand that diet and exercise alone will not get it.  Today’s amazing treatments include fat melting and skin tightening lasers that can achieve your perfect silhouette.  Read on to learn about other body shaping options in high demand today.

MESOTHERAPY … BREAKTHROUGH, NON SURGICAL THERAPY TO GET RID OF UNWANTED FAT and CELLULITE!  I am specialized and certified in this revolutionary treatment, having received my training from the worlds most renowned Mesotherapists:  Dr. Jacques Le Coz (Paris) and Dr. Patricia Ritters  (South America).  See the bullets below for the benefits you get:

·      Improved blood flow to the treatment area

·      Excess fat deposits are dissolved

·      Fibrotic, hardened connective tissue is removed

·      Lymphatic drainage is improved

·      Removes fat from fat cells

·      Can be used wherever Cellulite exists

·      Involves no surgery, no downtime, no discomfort

·      Injection formulations are a combination of medicines, vitamins and amino acids, delivered into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin).

Mesotherapy is the home run treatment for fat and cellulite removal!

See: for more info on Mesotherapy.

Effectively dealing with fat and cellulite is part of successful body sculpting and shaping.  I’ve just given you overviews on a few more top treatments to deal with these issues.


Bikini season is coming!!  

Are you ready to put your best body forward?


Let’s talk soon and design your personalized treatment plan.  Now is the time to start creating the “body of your dreams!” 

                    Dr. Covey