Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

Beach Body Sculpting without Major Surgery

Men and women both can have body fat issues, but typically men accumulate extra fat on their stomach and around the waist. For women, fat tends to accumulate on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. Being overweight changes the way your body functions, which can create a vicious cycle that is hard to break, even with diet and exercise. Carrying extra pounds can also be bad for your overall health because it causes inflammation, slows circulation, and weakens your immune system.

Does your body have any stubborn fat bulges that just won’t go away? If you have areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, and you thought your only option was major surgery, I hope you’ll be relieved to know, there is a less invasive solution… SmartLipo TriPlex!  SmartLipo TriPlex is the safest, most advanced body sculpting and fat removing laser liposuction technique available!

The three wave lengths of laser light in SmartLipo TriPlex result in better fat removal and tighter skin, than previous laser treatment methods. The lasers virtually melt away the fat cells, then some are suctioned away and some of it is removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system. This laser method has a recovery time that is quicker than with traditional liposuction, and it has been approved as safe by the FDA for use in the United States since 2006.

Even if you haven’t had success with traditional liposuction or you want to remove fat from difficult areas of the body, you should give SmartLipo TriPlex a chance. Due to the exact nature of lasers, SmartLipo TriPlex can treat localized pockets of fat in targeted areas without the risk of lumpy after effects. The laser energy also interacts with collagen in the skin which later causes the skin to tighten and shrink.

SmartLipo TriPlex offers exceptionally high precision contouring for fine tuning your beach body. It offers precise body sculpting that is perfect for:

  • waistlines
  • abdomen
  • inner or outer thighs
  • hips
  • upper arms
  • buttocks
  • under the chin

Ideal candidates are in good health and not looking for extreme body changes.   SmartLipo TriPlex is excellent for removing fat from those areas where the bulge or pooch just won’t go away. You don’t have to worry if a long down time or recovery time isn’t an option. Since SmartLipo TriPlex is a minimally invasive procedure, it can be performed under local anesthesia. Our patients typically return to normal activities within 24 hours. All that is needed is an oral pain medication to take the edge off any mild soreness or ache.

So are you ready to say goodbye to the ‘muffin top’ or the ‘spare tire’, and say hello to the ‘thigh gap’  or flat abs of your dreams? With SmartLipo TriPlex the treated areas will appear tighter, smoother, and smaller soon after your procedure.  The skin and surrounding area will smooth out to look like a natural body contour.

Visit to learn how we can help you melt away your stubborn fat and get that beach body without major surgery.


Dr. Covey

Author: Alexander J. Covey, M.D.

Alexander J. Covey, MD specializes in non-surgical cosmetic rejuvenation treatments. Named one of the Top Doctors in the New York Metro Area by the Castle Connolley Guide, Dr. Covey is committed to helping patients achieve "Natural good looks without surgery and without downtime. With 3 offices conveniently located in Manhattan and Long Island, Dr. Covey is the premier physician for advanced alternatives to plastic surgery.

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