Cosmetic Surgery Beauty News

by Dr. Alexander Covey

Amazing Lasers for Age Reversing Cosmetic Treatments… Today

Lasers are an integral part of the anti aging revolution today...more so than over the past decade as both men and women now include laser treatments in their regular cosmetic/health regimen.

It’s absolutely true that the right laser treatments, done at the right times, can treat just about any skin problem under the sun.  These laser and energy based magic wands can reverse the signs of aging, reduce deep lines and scars, resurface the skin, remove unwanted hair, reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation and textural abnormalities…and more.  Since there are so many age reversing laser options available, my next few blogs will focus on these solutions.  Keep reading!

WHAT IS A LASER?  A true laser is Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation that uses a crystal to produce a targeted light beam.

HOW A LASER WORKS:  All lasers are light based devices that target different types of skin cells to achieve the desired results.  Your surgeon must be able to match the right laser to each individual problem.  Each wavelength is unique to each problem.

ABLATIVE LASERS remove the top layer of skin tissue and the power can be dialed up or dialed down to increase or decrease the level of penetrations.  The  more ablative the laser, the deeper the penetration making recovery longer…but with more dramatic results

NON ABLATIVE LASERS leave the outer layer of skin intact but can still penetrate to correct the problem.  Since there is no skin sloughing (as with ablative lasers) downtime is much shorter as are pain and discomfort.

I’ve been using lasers, and offering my patients the many amazing laser treatment options, for over two decades. See my website for more information: 

Here are just a few of the treatments we offer:

CELLULAZE LASER for attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin!  Cellulaze is the amazing FDA approved breakthrough treatments for cellulite that gets results with just one treatment.  Smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs, has proven this laser technology invaluable in the treatment of ugly, unwelcome cellulite!

CLEAR+BRILLIANT laser treatments are very popular this time of year to restore younger, healthier, clearer looking skin to enjoy along with the freshness of spring.  Clear+Brilliant ushers in a renewed youthfulness with gentle treatments that combat the “early signs of aging.”

FRAXEL RE:STORE DUAL WAVELENGTH LASER TREATMENTS offer better results more quickly and more comfortably than ever before.  This laser system uses two wavelengths to repair and restore smoother, fresher, younger looking skin.

Well, there are more laser options, but that’s it for this blog. I have patients waiting for their age reversing laser treatments!

April 11, in the Manhattan office…don’t miss our “Spring Fling” Botox, Dermal Filler and Liquid Facelift event. Call 212 931 0700 to reserve your treatment of choice!



Dr. Covey